Tag Archives: Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence can pose a threat to human life

‘Tsukumogami’ is a term that the Japanese have used to refer to objects that, after having existed for more than 100 years, come to life. I myself have always been a bit wary of this type of situation involving the crossing of boundaries between the artificial and the so-called biological realm. Though more and more it is the case that our reality is in fact becoming one of hybridity, as the use of prostheses to improve and lengthen our existence proliferate.

Most recently it has made the news how ‘braniacs’ of the type like Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking seem to agree that, after a few decades, Artificial Intelligence (AI) might pose a threat to human society. See: http://www.bbc.com/news/31047780.
They think that:

[in the] possibility that AI could evolve to the point that it was beyond human control. Prof Hawking said he felt that machines with AI could “spell the end of the human race”.