“Though shall blog!”

So said my friend and colleague, Antti Raike… And after giving the matter some thought, I have decided to join the ever-increasing ranks of bloggers crowding cyberspace.

How will I go about this? And in what language? These are some of the questions that are going through my head and since I am as of yet undecided, I will take my cousin Esteban’s advice: “Vamos yendo y como vamos viendo, vamos haciendo.” (We go, and as we see, we do.)
– Lily

2 thoughts on ““Though shall blog!”

  1. Hi Lily, great to have your blog on my RSS reader and follow what’s happening in your professional sphere. I’ve had the language problem myself in my blog (Finnish and English), and I’ve just decided to tag any Finnish posts with the tag/category “in finnish”.

    Some starting tips: Remember that a blog functions best when it’s focused on one theme. So if this is your professional blog, keep it professional and put personal entries into a separate blog (if any). People mostly subscribe to blogs if the theme is interesting to them and the quality of posts is good enough.

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