Category Archives: Art

Hybrid Labs???

A HYBRID LABS Conference will take place at Aalto University in Finland on the dates of 31 May and 1 June 2018.

The conference, that is done in collaboration with Renewable Futures Network, will explore the notion of HYBRID LABS as places of trans-disciplinary practices.

On the first day there will be workshops that examine the role of artistic and creative practices during times of crisis.

The second day will be devoted to a Leonardo birthday celebration symposium.

As part of the activities an exhibition of art and design works will be held on campus.

Sylvia Rexach


Se pudiese decir que la historia de Syvia Rexach ( 1922-1961) en Puerto Rico es similar a la de Badding. Una increíble compositora y poetisa puertorriqueña quien escribió canciones que hoy se consideran clásicas. Encontré un vídeo de Las Caribelles – un grupo vocal de cuatro chicas fabulosas – cantando un medley de las canciones de Sylvia. El final incluye unas lineas de su famosa composición, Olas y arena. (Si quieres saber más sobre Las Caribelles, pincha aquí.)

Una canción para terminar con uno y comenzar con otro…


Or “A song to end one and begin a new year”. Rock and roll has had a profound influence in different cultures throughout the world. The Latin American continent is no exception. Here is a live recording of the hit song, De pies a cabeza, by the legendary Mexican group, Maná. The song became quite famous, as it was used in the Spanish trailer of the Brazilian soap opera, Vampi. Dating to around 1993, this soap might be considered a precursor of the North American TV production of Buffy the Vampire. Here is a clip from an episode with the main character, Natasha, in Venice.


A clip from the great Venezuelan rock group, Desorden público: Truena, truena… In its simple but original use of editing and special effects, the video is a wonderful example of creative elegance.

Who is that girl?


“My name is Yasuri, Yasuri Yamileth… I live in el Chorillo with my eight kids eating sausage and hang out at Veranillo…”

This is a Panamania model who claims to be “the Real Yasuri Yamileth”, interpretant of the summer hit of 2006 in Venezuela, that incidentally was not picked up by the Latin Grammy Awards but whose signal was potent enough to be heard by the Nordiscope. Would the fact that it is posted in the Wikipedia, and that the lyrics of the song are written in both Spanish and English on this website give her claim more strength? (e.g. Does she look like a “Yasuri Yamileth, the mother of eight” to you? What does this say about double standards and the image of women in society, huh? And about Wikipedia?)

Here is a link to the award-winning Yasuri Yamileth performance that won kudos, hate comments, and declarations of love for the diva on the Internet! (Note that the original one, which had over 500,000 hits cannot be found anymore on the web.)
So far the native country and identity of the performer is subject to debate (Panamá? Venezuela?). It has been said that “We are All Yasuri Yamileth!”
Here are some other Yasuri Yamileth wannabe’s in Caracas! Some are more artistic, like this medley compiled by Mardecio films, and others like this one, in spanish, are more scientific
¡EnjoYea estos vídeos!

About Place Name

This week I was moderating a workshop on Ubiquitous Interaction, with Gulio Jacucci, at the Performing Places seminar organized by m-cult and held at the Theater Academy in Helsinki.


Sally Jane Norman’s presentation made me think about the blurring of boundaries between fantasy and reality in performance. Or from art into reality and from reality into art. This is directly related to my presentation in the seminar About maps, place name and cartographic attitude. (See: Place name)

I want to continue to pick up this topic in my posts, for the moment. Especially with regards to how language, cartography, and name place is used used in the construction of reality. I am particularly interested in how these topics are playing out in the preparations for the upcoming elections in Venezuela.
– Lily