About Place Name

This week I was moderating a workshop on Ubiquitous Interaction, with Gulio Jacucci, at the Performing Places seminar organized by m-cult and held at the Theater Academy in Helsinki.

(See: http://www.m-cult.org/performingplaces/index.html)

Sally Jane Norman’s presentation made me think about the blurring of boundaries between fantasy and reality in performance. Or from art into reality and from reality into art. This is directly related to my presentation in the seminar About maps, place name and cartographic attitude. (See: Place name)

I want to continue to pick up this topic in my posts, for the moment. Especially with regards to how language, cartography, and name place is used used in the construction of reality. I am particularly interested in how these topics are playing out in the preparations for the upcoming elections in Venezuela.
– Lily

“Though shall blog!”

So said my friend and colleague, Antti Raike… And after giving the matter some thought, I have decided to join the ever-increasing ranks of bloggers crowding cyberspace.

How will I go about this? And in what language? These are some of the questions that are going through my head and since I am as of yet undecided, I will take my cousin Esteban’s advice: “Vamos yendo y como vamos viendo, vamos haciendo.” (We go, and as we see, we do.)
– Lily