Monthly Archives: February 2014

Theme Day March 9th: Digitizing Robot & Talk on Open Archives

Akseli Gallen-Kallela & Knut Boije
Akseli Gallen-Kallela & Knut Boije

Akseli Gallen-Kallela’s digital phonebook Haloo Akseli! opened to the public in February. In Gallen-Kallela Museum’s & Medialab’s Theme Day Haloo Akseli – This Is Tarvaspää! we continue to collect material for the archive with the help of digGLAM digitizing robot. At the same time we’ll discuss the ideas behind the project: in panel discussion Art, Archives & Commons we talk about digital archives and the objectives, aims and future of making archives open.

Photos, postcards or stories connected to Akseli Gallen-Kallela, his contemporaries, or Tarvaspää region – visitors are invited to bring material to the Haloo Akseli! web archive. During the Theme Day we’ll also hear local memories of the Tarvaspää region and get a guided tour to the exhibition How Many Gallen-Kallela Paintings of the Same Name? In children’s workshop My Places everyone gets to make their own map based on memories.

Free entrance to anyone who brings a photo, story or other memory to the Haloo Akseli archive!

Entrance fees without memories 8 € / 7 € / 6 € / 4 € / under 18 free admission


Haloo Akseli – This Is Tarvaspää!
at Gallen-Kallela Museum on Sunday March 9th at 11 – 17

11 – 15 Workshop for digitizing memories
11 – 15 My Places nonstop workshop for children. Drawing maps based on memories and
decorating key rings for the keys of important places.
11.30 – 12 Haloo Akseli! – What is it?
12 – 13 ”Värikästä taiteilijaelämää Leppävaaran alueella” lecture (in Finnish)
13 – 13.30 A guided tour to the exhibition
13.30 – 14.30 ”Art, Archives & Commons” panel discussion. In English.
14.30 – 15 Haloo Akseli! – What is it?
15 – 15.30 A guided tour to the exhibition

Gallen-Kallela Museum
Gallen-Kallelan tie 27, Espoo
Gallen-Kallela Museum on the map:
Phone (09) 849 2340

For more information:
Phone 041 504 7788, Anna Virtanen 

Akseli Gallen-Kallela’s Phone Book goes Online

Ida Aalberg, Albert Edelfelt, Karl Fazer – Akseli Gallen-Kallelan puhelinmuistio 1920-luvulta on täynnä tuttuja nimiä. Kurkkaa sen sivuille ja tule mukaan kokoamaan Gallen-Kallelan digitaalista arkistoa Gallen-Kallelan Museon tapahtumapäivään 9. helmikuuta!

Yhteistyössä Gallen-Kallelan Museon kanssa, Aalto-yliopiston Medialaboratorio rakentaa open access –periaatteella toimivan digitaalisen arkiston pohjaten Gallen-Kallelan alkuperäiseen puhelinmuistioon ja sen sisältämiin kontakteihin. Arkisto tuo yhteen pieniä, arkipäiväisiä informaation palasia liittyen Akseli Gallen-Kallelaan ja tämän tuttavapiiriin. Se sisältää niin valokuvia, tekstejä ja sitaatteja museon arkistosta – kuin myös kuvia, postikortteja, tarinoita ja muistoja, joita yleisö on tervetullut tuomaan mukaan tapahtumapäivänä.

Ainutlaatuisena osana tapahtumaa toimii projektissa avustava skannausrobotti. Robotti on kehitetty Project Gado –hankkeen yhteydessä John Hopkins Universityssa, Baltimoressa, ja sen kehittely jatkuu Aalto-yliopistossa Medialaboratorion ja Tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitoksen yhteistyönä. Gallen-Kallelan museon tapahtumapäivässä robotti auttaa historiallisen arkistomateriaalin digitoinnissa ja sen lisäämisessä digitaaliseen arkistoon, maailmanlaajuisen yleisön saataville.

Tervetuloa mukaan kokoamaan digitaalista arkistoa!
Akseli Gallen-Kallela ja naapuruston taiteilijatoverit –tapahtumapäivä

lauantaina 9.2.2014 klo 11-17 Gallen-Kallelan museossa.

Gallen-Kallelan Museo Gallen-Kallelan tie 27, Espoo Puh. (09) 849 2340

Puh. 041 504 7788, Anna Virtanen

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Ida Aalberg, Albert Edelfelt, Karl Fazer – Akseli Gallen-Kallela’s phone book from the 1920s is full of familiar names. See who’s in it, and join in the making of Gallen-Kallela’s Virtual Phone Book on the Theme Day February 9th at Gallen-Kallela Museum!

Aalto University’s Media Lab in collaboration with Gallen-Kallela Museum are building an open access digital archive based on Gallen-Kallela’s contacts in his original phone book. The archive will hold information in the form of micro-histories, connected to Gallen-Kallela and his network of friends, colleagues and acquaintances. This includes photos, texts and quotes from the museum’s archives – as well as pictures, postcards, memories and stories that the visitors of the Theme Day are invited to bring in.

A unique part of this event will be the application of an Open Source autonomous scanning robot initially developed by Project Gado of John Hopkins University Baltimore, currently under development in the Media Lab Helsinki and the Department of Computer Science of Aalto University. The robot will assist in the digitization of the historical material, adding it to the digital archive and making it available for a worldwide audience.

Welcome to join in and participate in the making of the archive!

Akseli Gallen-Kallela & His Artist Friends Theme Day on February 9th at 11-17
in Gallen-Kallela Museum, Tarvaspää.

Gallen-Kallela Museum
Gallen-Kallelan tie 27, Espoo
Phone (09) 849 2340

For more information:
Phone 041 504 7788, Anna Virtanen