Akseli Gallen-Kallela’s digital phonebook Haloo Akseli! opened to the public in February. In Gallen-Kallela Museum’s & Medialab’s Theme Day Haloo Akseli – This Is Tarvaspää! we continue to collect material for the archive with the help of digGLAM digitizing robot. At the same time we’ll discuss the ideas behind the project: in panel discussion Art, Archives & Commons we talk about digital archives and the objectives, aims and future of making archives open.
Photos, postcards or stories connected to Akseli Gallen-Kallela, his contemporaries, or Tarvaspää region – visitors are invited to bring material to the Haloo Akseli! web archive. During the Theme Day we’ll also hear local memories of the Tarvaspää region and get a guided tour to the exhibition How Many Gallen-Kallela Paintings of the Same Name? In children’s workshop My Places everyone gets to make their own map based on memories.
Free entrance to anyone who brings a photo, story or other memory to the Haloo Akseli archive!
Entrance fees without memories 8 € / 7 € / 6 € / 4 € / under 18 free admission
Haloo Akseli – This Is Tarvaspää!
at Gallen-Kallela Museum on Sunday March 9th at 11 – 17
11 – 15 Workshop for digitizing memories
11 – 15 My Places nonstop workshop for children. Drawing maps based on memories and
decorating key rings for the keys of important places.
11.30 – 12 Haloo Akseli! – What is it?
12 – 13 ”Värikästä taiteilijaelämää Leppävaaran alueella” lecture (in Finnish)
13 – 13.30 A guided tour to the exhibition
13.30 – 14.30 ”Art, Archives & Commons” panel discussion. In English.
14.30 – 15 Haloo Akseli! – What is it?
15 – 15.30 A guided tour to the exhibition
Gallen-Kallela Museum
Gallen-Kallelan tie 27, Espoo
Gallen-Kallela Museum on the map: www.gallen-kallela.fi/kartta.html
Phone (09) 849 2340
For more information:
Phone 041 504 7788, Anna Virtanen